
Máster de Formación Permanente en Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Imagen ficha

Ficha técnica

Código del plan de estudios


Ámbitos del conocimiento

Ingeniería informática y de sistemas

Universidades participantes

Universidad de Alcalá



José Ignacio Olmeda Martos                              josei.olmeda@uah.es


   José Ignacio Olmeda Martos

   Dirección:  Escuela Politécnica

   Teléfono: 918856674

   E-mail: josei.olmeda@uah.es


   José Ignacio Olmeda Martos                 918856674              josei.olmeda@uah.es

Objetivos formativos

The study aims to provide a complete review of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning and their applications in Businesses and the Industry. It is intended that the student understands automated modeling and the enormous potentiality it offers.  

Specifically, the study intends that the student can:  

  • Know the formal foundations of Machine Learning as well as the existing algorithms. 
  • Be able to implement the different algorithms in high-level languages: (Python) in order to solve real problems as well as to understand the difficulties in implementing such algorithms in practice. 
  • Propose solutions based on Machine Learning from a broad perspective, considering the ethical and legal aspects and the economic and social implications of the automation of the processes in the businesses.

Competencias a adquirir

  • Understand the tools of Artificial Intelligence and how to use them in different contexts such as Medicine, Finance, or Transportation.
  • Understand the different architectures of Deep Learning, its mathematical foundations, and its applicability in the context of problems such as classification or dynamic prediction.
  • Understand concepts such as Learning, Generalization, over-training, regularization, and others, and balance their impact in the construction of applied systems.
  • Have a domain of the programming of data structures and program flow in high-level languages such as Python.
  • Understand the main applications of automatic learning in different areas, such as credit scoring, marketing segmentation, detection of diseases through or autonomous driving of vehicles.

Público al que va dirigido

Professionals and students who are interested in understanding the tools of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how they can be applied in sectors such as Finance, Logistics or Engineering.

Participants may have a technical background but also come from areas such as economics, law, engineering, arts or sciences due to the general applicability of the tools covered in the program.

Plan de estudios



Modalidad de enseñanza


Periodo de impartición

Fechas Previstas Inicio-Fin:  noviembre 2024 a octubre 2025 Y mayo 2025 a abril 2026 (11 meses)

Lugar de impartición


Horario de impartición


Plazo de preinscripción

Consultar con el contacto

Lugar de preinscripción

   Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá

   Departamento de formación

   C/ Mayor, 50

   28801 Alcalá de Henares

   Teléfono: 91.879.74.30

   Fax: 91.879.74.55

   e-mail: cursos@fgua.es

Requisitos generales de acceso

Documentación a presentar

Número de plazas


Plazo de matrícula

Consultar con el contacto


Importe del estudio

Precio por crédito: 98,33€

Importe preinscripción: 1.180,00€

Este importe no incluye precios por servicios administrativos y seguro de accidentes.

Forma de pago



La convocatoria y adjudicación de las becas correrá a cargo de la dirección académica del estudio. El 10% de los ingresos de este estudio serán destinados a becas.

Más información
